Nostrum-DSS & INECO Joint Event

25 October 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus


The “Nostrum-Dss & INECO Joint Event” was successfully held on the 25 Oct. 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus. A large number of EU project coordinators, researchers, and representatives of relevant International Institutions (i.e. MED-EUWI, GWP-Med, DFID, CEDARE, Cap-Net UNDP, EC-DG EuropeAid, ICS-UNIDO), including European Commission representatives participated to exchange scientific knowledge and project results on different topics in the domain of water resources management in the Mediterranean Region.

The“*Nostrum-Dss & INECO Joint Event*” was oriented towards the discussion of problems and criteria for the *coordination, dissemination and exploitation of EU-research results* relevant to the implementation of IWRM in the Mediterranean Region. The discussion held allowed to depict the State of the Art at the science-policy interface for IWRM as well as a series of recommendations for:

- overcoming the fragmentation and communication problems of research;

- improving the development and dissemination of project products and results;

- enhancing the exploitation of results.

An *Executive Summary* presenting the main outcomes has been developed. This summary and an extended report can be downloaded from the web sites of the two projects:
