Following up work, outputs and impacts achieved in previous years, during 2017-2019 GWP-Med engaged in the Transboundary Water Resources Management agenda through the following key lines:
Aimed outputs: Regional and local policy dialogue facilitated, capacity is built and solutions are catalysed for Transboundary IWRM
Progress Markers:
1. Decision makers and stakeholders established better understanding, improved their capacity and were equipped with advanced policy tools and knowledge to respond to Transboundary IWRM challenges. Targeted transboundary water bodies included transboundary water bodies in SEE like the Drin River Basin and in the MENA like the North Western Sahara Aquifer System.
Partners: Governments, local authorities, RBOs, sustainable development stakeholders, regional institutions, private sector, donors. Indicatively, key aimed beneficiaries include Water, Energy, Agriculture and Environment Ministries of Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Algeria, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mauritania, etc.
2. Countries throughout the Mediterranean became aware of and possibly participate at the UNECE Water Convention ratification process, etc.
Partners: Governments, local authorities, RBOs, water and sustainable development stakeholders, regional institutions, donors. Indicatively, key aimed beneficiaries included Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia, Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water, Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation