Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming

Activities under this focus area aim to promote gender mainstreaming in the water sector as part of implementing priority intervention P3.1 in the RSAP IV on IWRM in line with the SADC Gender Policy and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.

This work also builds upon the Gender Mainstreaming project supported under the SADC-GIZ TWM Programme during the implementation of RSAP III. In Phase III of the SADC Water programme, a project to increase awareness and strengthen capacities for gender mainstreaming in the SADC water sector was implemented. The main outputs of the projects include:

  • Development of awareness and training materials;
  • All SADC MS appointed Gender Focal Points (GFP);
  • Training of GFP on water and reporting issues at regional level
  • The GFP were subsequently trained to implement gender sensitive water programmes.
  • In 2015, the SADC WD established the Community of Practice of Gender Focal Points (GFP).

IWRM Provision has been made to continue mainstreaming gender into the SADC Water Sector through the implementation of the Phase IV of the RSAP. The work is being led by a dedicated gender expert, who is coordinating the activities from the GIZ offices. GWP SA’s support has focused on supporting the organisation and preparation of regional knowledge and experience sharing events for GFPs in the region with a strong capacity development focus.