Project Preparation Workshop
Global Water Partnership, in collaboration with Global Water Partnership South Asia and South East Asia and in consultation with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is organising a “Technical Workshop on Project Preparation for Transformational Climate Resilience Water Project Concepts in Asia”. The workshop will be held from 15-16 October at Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila, Philippines back-to-back with 6th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum.
Participants: Four participants from each country representing the National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Accredited Entities (DAEs), related Ministries and Country Water Partnerships are invited for the workshop.
The workshop will provide clear guidance to prepare strong water-related adaptation project proposals to the participants who had to depend on third-party agencies to develop bankable project proposals. Henceforth, they will have their own expertise to develop their proposals.
The Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) have submitted their project ideas that potentially be developed into project proposals with GWPO Climate Team and GCF by 15 August through the respective regions, after consultation with relevant Ministries/Institutes/Partners/National Designated Agencies (NDAs) and Direct Access Entities (DAEs). During the workshop these project ideas will be further developed into GCF project proposals using GCF Project templates with the consultation of GCF, NDAs and DAEs in respective countries who will be invited to the hands-on Project Preparation Workshop.