Anna Tari, Kristóf Stefán and Nikolett Szabó from Szent László Grammar School, Budapest won Hungarian Final of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize on 20 May with a project „Tanks of Water”.
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe releases the Compendium of Good Practices, which provides an overview of the outputs and accomplishments achieved within the Integrated Drought Management Programme in CEE in the period from 2013 to 2015.
GWP CEE Summer School Water in the sustainable development – current challenges and opportunities will take place on 9-16 July 2017 at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. It is organised with the support of UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme, together with partner organisations from the region and under the patronage of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Ecological Awareness, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia.
At the GWP CEE Regional Council Meeting held on 1-2 October 2016 in Vilnuis, Lithuania, GWP CEE Council elected Prof. Tomasz Okruszko (GWP Poland Chair) the new Chair of GWP CEE for the period 2017-2018.
On World Water Day 22 March 2017 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana hosted a roundtable entitled "The importance of drinking water sources for international peace and security."
The first DriDanube (Drought Risk in the Danube Region) Project Meeting and Kick-off Conference were held on 15-16th March 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Drawing on the global theme for this year: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality, we have asked women in the water community to answer the question: How can the water sector step it up for gender equality?
14th International Conference "Europe-INBO 2016" on implementation of the European Water Directives took place on 9 - 22 October 2016 in Lourdes, France.