/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP Moldova presented lessons from river basin planning

Dr. Dumitru Drumea of GWP Moldova shared experiences with development of Bic River basin management plan and involvement of local authorities in the implementation of the program of measures.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Sustainable Sanitation is the Future We Want

GWP CEE calls for more integration of sanitation in water resources development, planning and management for the benefit of disadvantaged groups in developing as well as developed countries.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP Hungary raises water awareness at universities

Dr. József Gayer, Chair of GWP Hungary delivered presentations about integrated water resources management during Water Saving Weeks at 7 universities and colleges across Hungary in March and April 2012.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP Slovakia has a New Chair

Elena Fatulova is the new Chair of the Global Water Partnership Slovakia it was announced on 5 April 2012.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP CEE celebrates World Water Day 2012

International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.