News and Activities

/ Mediterranean

Phase II of the Nexus Assessment in the Drina river basin is launched

The ad-hoc Steering Committee for the Nexus activities in the Drina River Basin under the SEE Nexus Project, supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), had its first online meeting on 15 October 2020. Representatives from the Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia relevant to the water, energy and environment sectors, were informed about and commented on the project’s objectives and planned activities in the basin.
/ Mediterranean

Technical Webinar on Groundwater Monitoring (20 October)

GWP-Med is co-organising a Technical Webinar: “Monitoring Strategies in Transboundary Aquifers: Goals, Methods and Tools - The case study of Skadar/Shkoder – Buna/Bojana Delta transboundary alluvial aquifer”
/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med at Cairo Water Week 2020

GWP-Med is co-organising upcoming events focusing on facilitating investments in the water sector, the role of gender in water diplomacy and mobilizing Young Professionals in the fight to meet the SDGs at Cairo Water Week 2020.
/ Mediterranean

GWP Network Meeting 2020: Bringing the Change

GWP Partners are invited to the Annual Network Meeting of GWP Partners 2020, which takes place online on 21-22 October, under the theme ‘Bringing the Change’.
/ Mediterranean

Strengthening the role of Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region

What is so special about water diplomacy? And where does the discussion on women and gender fit in? Placing women, water and diplomacy in the same sentence, often enough causes reactions that include head-scratching and eyebrow-raising; the link among them is not easily -nor well- understood.