News and Activities

Read below for news and activities relating to the GWP SAS region

/ South Asia

24th RC meeting GWP SAS

The 24th Regional Council (RC) Meeting of Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS) was held on 11 October 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
/ South Asia

GWP SAS appoints its new Chairperson

The Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS) Regional Council announced the appointment of Dr Khondaker Azharul Haq as the GWP SAS Chairperson in effective of 1 January 2019.
/ South Asia

HELP-GWP consultation on Draft Principles on Investment and Financing for Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction

Global Water Partnership South Asia in collaboration with High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) and the Government of Japan is scheduled a sub-regional consultation, to gain inputs from experts and practitioners in the region on the draft principles on Investment and Financing for Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction. The consultation is scheduled for 12 October 2018 at the Yellow River Auditorium, International Water Resources Management (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
/ South Asia

A “Financial Fitness” workshop for GWP South Asia

An intensive 3-day Finance Officers’ Training for South Asia lead by Salman Riaz, Finance Officer from GWPO Finance Team took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 4-6 September 2018. The training was with full of sharing, learning, networking, team and capacity building.