GWP-C Develops New IWRM Regional Cooperation Information Products

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) is pleased to announce that under its Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) it has produced a series of information products to further cooperation in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) among various stakeholders across the region.

These products can be accessed on GWP-C’s Water and Climate Knowledge Platform here and includes:

A Database of Regional IWRM Expertise - This databases showcases where specialised water resources expertise exists in the region.

A Database of 40 IWRM Projects - This database highlights project outputs, lessons learnt, as well as, opportunities and options to build on the projects.

Sustainability Report on IWRM Projects - This report shares lessons learnt from the execution of recent IWRM initiatives in the region.

All databases will be updated periodically; this means, if you have material you would like to share for inclusion in future versions please contact us at We encourage you to share news of these new resources through your networks, all in an effort to foster greater partnerships and cooperation in IWRM in the region which is important to us.