2012 Media Awards on Water - Winner and Special Mention Awardees

Former Editor and Videographer at CNS TV6 in Guyana, Mr. Shane Hubbard has claimed the top spot in GWP-C’s first Media Awards on Water. Entries by Ms. Veoma Ali, Regional Advertising Manager at One Caribbean Media Limited in Barbados and Mrs. Latoya Minott-Spence, Reporter and Producer at Television Jamaica were selected for Honourable Mention. Press release available here.

Meet the Winner and Honourable Mention Awardees

Shane Hubbard - Winner of the GWP-C Media Awards on Water

The winner of GWP-C’s first Media Awards on Water, Mr. Shane Hubbard, is a former Editor and Videographer at CNS TV6 in Guyana. Mr. Hubbard, who has been working in the media for the past three years, has a passion for telling stories through film and aspires to become a film director in the future.

Mr. Hubbard is committed to his craft and in addition to editing and filming, he also dabbles in 3-D (three dimensional) animation.

When asked about why he has an interest in reporting on water related issues, Mr. Hubbard explained that water is vital to everyone’s life.  He added “it is imperative that we all understand its value as only then I think we will all be more conscious about managing it.” He explained that we all tend to hear that we need to save water but many are not truly aware of water’s importance. He pointed out that this is why he is motivated to create pieces on water related topics, to educate people on the critical importance of the resource. Watch winning video here.


Latoya Minott-Spence - Honourable Mention Awardee

Mrs. Latoya Minott-Spence is a Jamaican journalist that has been working in the media for the past four years. Mrs. Minott-Spence is currently a Reporter and Producer on Television Jamaica’s Prime Time News. She is also a trained teacher in the areas of Geography and Social Studies; which has been the major inspiration behind her avid interest in producing environmental stories.

She is particularly concerned about persons in her country having sufficient access to clean potable water and this interest stems from her own experience growing up in the rural parts of Jamaica. She recounts “water was a scare commodity and the family had to be supplied and maintained with the commodity through the consistent practice of rainwater harvesting.” Mrs. Minott-Spence explained however, that times have now changed but the prevailing water problems continue to linger.

She also added that what makes the situation worse is that the ideals regarding fixing the problem are not very clear and no one knows when water will be equitably distributed to all across the island.

When asked what inspired her to work in the media, Mrs. Minott-Spence explained that she felt it would afford her the opportunity to serve her country in a different and more far reaching capacity.  She stated “I am propelled by the varying social issues, concerns and ills that befall my countrymen on a regular basis and as such feel I can give a voice to the voiceless and give audience to those who under regular circumstances would not have been able to air their plight or get help within the public domain.”


Veoma Ali - Honourable Mention Awardee

Ms. Veoma Ali is a Trinidadian national but has lived in Barbados for the past thirteen years. Currently the Regional Advertising Manager at One Caribbean Media Limited in Barbados, Ms. Ali has been in the media for the last ten years mainly within the areas of radio broadcasting and advertising.

Her inspiration to work in the media came at the age of five when she fell in love with a microphone. She recounts “I am always aware and amazed by the connection the mic creates between me and my audience; whether the audience be local, regional or international. It is almost magical to share the thoughts and feelings of people whom you've never met, but yet still feel so closely linked.”

When asked about why she has an interest in building awareness on water issues in the region, Ms. Ali explained that it stems from an interest in protecting the environment. She explained that there are simple activities people can do to conserve water and it is important for everyone to recognise their part. She pointed out that media helps to propel these messages which can influence audiences in a positive way.