GWP-C Chair Provides Caribbean Analysis on GWP’s NDC Report at COP24

November 11th, 2018 – Today at COP24 in Poland, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) held a Press Conference to provide analysis on its new report “Preparing to Adapt: The Untold Story of Water in Climate Change Adaptation.”

The report which was launched yesterday at a high-level event at COP24, can be downloaded here: GWP conducted a new analysis that relates to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 baseline reports, with an assessment of over 80 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) plans, compared with national development plans and similar documents. The report shows a mismatch between the appetite for water infrastructure and the weak progress on strengthening institutions for managing water.

Panellists at GWP Press Conference "The Untold Story of Water in Climate Change Adaptation” at COP24 in Poland. GWP-C Chair, Mr. Trevor Thompson (3rd from right) is seen here along with the GWP Executive Secretary, Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr (4th from right) and other GWP representatives.

Among the panellists at the Press Conference at COP24 today, was Mr. Trevor Thompson, Chair of the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C). Mr. Thompson provided NDC analysis from a Caribbean perspective. In his contributions he said, “Caribbean countries have a mitigation focus, not a large adaptation component, but that is changing.”

GWP-C Chair, Mr. Trevor Thompson is seen here giving the Caribbean perspective at the Press Conference.

Watch and listen to more of what Mr. Thompson had to say, along with the other panellists at the GWP Press Conference here:

Here's more of what Mr. Thompson had to say on water as it relates to the Caribbean and on GWP’s new report: