Expression of Interest: 3rd Caribbean Science Symposium 2025

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) will be hosting its THIRD virtual Caribbean Science Symposium in March 2025. In this Call for Papers you are invited to submit either an extended abstract or an outline of a poster for consideration on any one of the Symposium’s Themes, see below.


Focusing on Climate and  Water, we are interested in presentations that cover best practices and innovations spanning the public, private, civil society, third and NGO sectors. The event seeks to attract high-quality scientific, research, technical, reviews, and exploratory papers that can offer useful insights on key challenges impacting the access, management, utilisation, and sustainability of water resources across the region, and potential solutions.

Selected papers will be considered for journal publication.

There will be awards for the Best Paper and Best Poster, at the judges discretion.


Meeting Financial Challenges – Developments and Innovations

This theme includes:

  • Loss and Damage Funds
  • Developments in the expansion of insurance and financial risk sharing approaches in the water sector such as CCRIF & CWUIC
  • Debt for Nature Swops
  • Green Bonds, Catastrophe Bonds
  • Payment for Environmental and Ecological Services
  • Private Sector
  • Philanthropy


Policy and Cooperation

This theme includes:

  • Policy, developments and research around the intersection of water resources, health, agriculture, climate change
  • Cross-sectoral/disciplinary collaborations: Public, Private and Third Sector
  • What are we doing about Water Education and Continuing Professional and Vocational Development
  • Regional cooperation and collaboration frameworks
  • Responding to natural disasters – lessons and experiences


Emerging Issues and Approaches in Water Resources Management and Services

This theme includes:

  • Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
  • Wastewater Reuse – what more do we need to do?
  • Water in the Blue-Green Economy
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence to Water Management
  • Impact of populations and demographics on water resources and services
  • Preparing for the next 50 years of water resource management and services
  • Innovations in water resources management
  • Adaptation to and Management of Climate Variability
  • Submissions

Only work that is complete or substantially complete at least a month before the Symposium will be considered.

Submitted work should be from, of, or relevant to the Caribbean Region.

We do not accept promotional materials or papers that amount to advertising in the opinion of the Technical Committee.

Please submit your Extended Abstracts/Poster Outline by 4  October 2024 via

For further details please contact: Dr Adrian Cashman or .