Regional Consultation on the Draft Regional Action Framework for IWRM in the CARICOM Region

Representatives from nineteen (19) member and associate member states of CARICOM gathered virtually and in-person for the Regional Consultation on the Draft Regional Action Framework for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

The consultation kicked off with an inspiring opening video from the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C), remarks from a representative of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), emphasizing the critical link between water management and public health and Dr. Ronald Roopnarine, an esteemed IWRM specialist, who presented an overview of the draft Regional Action Framework.  


Participants were then divided into breakout groups to meticulously review the strategic goals of the framework. Facilitated by experts like Dr. Gaius Eudoxie and Ms. Simone Lewis-  Regional Coordinator of the Global Water Partnership Caribbean, these sessions were designed to encourage in-depth discussions and gather valuable input from a diverse array of stakeholders. The breakout groups tackled various strategic goals, from enhancing water security to promoting sustainable practices and bolstering climate resilienceDuring this consultation the action plans were thoroughly examined and discussions including the  implementation plan, timeline, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) strategies, and financial considerations were outlined  


The hybrid event, held on June 13, 2024, in St. Lucia, was pivotal for the region, aiming to foster collaboration and finalize a comprehensive strategy for sustainable water management. Stakeholders from islands like Barbados, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia, as well as mainland territories like Belize and Guyana, converged to lend their voices and expertise to the ambitious project.