In light of the theme, GWP-C saw this as a perfect opportunity to bring focus to the vast amount of jobs that are all related to water within its Network by actively engaging its Partners. Moreover, GWP-C wanted to creatively bring awareness to stakeholders at various levels of the importance of water and how it may be directly or indirectly part of their daily jobs.
To commemorate the Day, GWP-C therefore asked its Partners throughout the Caribbean to explain how their jobs relate to water in less than 60 seconds using their mobile phones.
WATCH the power of water and jobs in GWP-C’s #WaterandJobs video featuring:
Special thanks to our partners featured in the video:
- The Environmental Health Division of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the British Virgin Islands
- Office De l'Eau Martinique (The Water Office of Martinique)
- The Water Corporation of Anguilla
- The National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST)
- The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) of Trinidad and Tobago
- The Water Resources Agency, WASA of Trinidad and Tobago
- The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) Secretariat
Water is vital to the work of the GWP-C and World Water Day is a reminder of our goal of working towards a water secure Caribbean.
SHARE our #WaterandJobs #WorldWaterDay video to raise bring awareness on the importance of better water management and water security.