GWP-C Engages Secondary School Students on the Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting

In light of the recent development of its Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) model in 2010, Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) has and continues to engage in a series of public education activities targeted at building awareness on rainwater harvesting as a means of water conservation.

GWP-C was able to share knowledge on this topic when it joined more than 1000 students and teachers from 42 schools in Trinidad and Tobago in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Young Leaders Programme, at its National Awards Ceremony on June 9th, 2011.

The RBC Young Leaders Prgramme is open to secondary school students in forms 3 and 4 and encourages community development by challenging students to implement sustainable projects that would benefit their respective communities. The 2010/2011 RBC Young Leaders theme was ‘Water: Beyond the Surface - Sustaining Life, Securing Our Future.’ Based on the theme, thousands of students across the country were challenged to consider efficient methods of water management and they implemented notable projects that promoted water conservation.

For the event, GWP-C set-up a booth around the topic of rainwater harvesting, where it was able to display its RWH model.

Demonstrating how the model works generated a lot of discussion by students who expressed great interest in learning about the benefits of rainwater harvesting. A few students stated that they harvest rainwater but that the systems in their homes were not as advanced. Some students also raised concerns about the quality of rainwater. GWP-C was able to provide information on efficient ways of maintaining water quality and answer their questions.

GWP-C was also able to engage students in discussions using the posters on the model which provided information on how the system works; ways of maintaining water quality; safe storage options; various types of rainwater harvesting systems; guidelines on the roof catchment area; uses and benefits of rainwater; among other topics. Students were also engaged in a question and answer game on water conservation methods.

The GWP-C booth included material for the students such as bookmarks on rainwater harvesting and water conservation; leaflets on rainwater harvesting and the GWP-C rainwater harvesting model; GWP-C fact sheets; as well as material from the Global Water Partnership (GWP).

GWP-C Water Education Packages for Educators were distributed to teachers attending the event. The packages contained GWP-C factsheets; a list of online water education resources for the classroom; a rainwater harvesting poster for their respective school; water conservation bookmarks; along with other material.

Distinguished guests attending the event included the President of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency, Professor George Maxwell Richards and Dr. The Honourable Tim Gopeesingh, Minister of Education of Trinidad and Tobago who delivered the feature address at the event; among other notable attendees.