Meet the Winning Journalists of the 2013 GWP-C Media Awards on Water

Here's a closer look at the winner and Honourable Mention awardees in the 2013 Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) Media Awards on Water.

The Winner - Mr. Milton Coy

The winner of the 2013 GWP-C Media Awards on Water, Mr. Milton Coy is a journalist and Station Manager at GTC Radio in Grenada.

Born in the small isle of Carriacou, Grenada, Mr. Coy has a strong commitment to the application of knowledge and advocacy in public education and awareness in issues that affect people’s lives.

He studied at The University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus in Barbados and was awarded a fellowship by the United States government through the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) to study at the Edward Murrow School of Diplomacy and the Boston School of Journalism.

With more than 30 years experience in the media in the areas of radio and television at the regional and international level, he has developed over the years to be one of Grenada’s outstanding writers.

Mr. Coy is also a human rights and social justice advocate and heads the Grenada Human Rights Organisation (GHRO) Inc. His activism inspired and motivated him to embark on a radio public education and awareness campaign on the issue of water cooperation which claimed the top stop in our Media Awards on Water.

Honourable Mention Awardee - Mr. Desmond Brown

Mr. Desmond Brown is a Media and Communications Specialist/Journalist in the Caribbean. He is presently the Head of Corporate Communications of the regional airline LIAT (1974) Ltd.  and a freelance writer with the global news agency Inter Press Service (IPS).

The Jamaican born journalist has extensive experience in the media having worked in positions such as news anchor, presenter and producer at major television and radio stations throughout the region.    

Having lived in parts of the Caribbean where there was an abundance of potable water, he developed a keen interest in using water wisely and caring for it properly, after moving to Antigua in 2009 and discovering that water was such a scarce commodity.

According to Mr. Brown “I had to make changes to my lifestyle.” He explained that for the first time, he would actually turn-off the tap when lathering during a shower, re-use water for gardening and fill a container to wash his car instead of using a hose.

His interest in reporting on water issues stems from the fact that everyone depends on water for life. He believes he has an opportunity to help others understand more about water conservation and how they can help keep water pure and safe for generations to come. Mr. Browne was inspired to enter the GWP-C Media Awards on Water because he thought it was an important tool in helping to spread the word about water conservation.

Honourable Mention Awardee - Dr. Soerinder Badal

Dr. Soerinder Badal is the head of Public Relations at a Water Management organisation in Suriname called Overliggend Waterschap MCP (OWMCP). He is therefore responsible for communicating with various stakeholders within the irrigation water sector and is also committed to raising awareness in his community of Nickerie in north-west Suriname, on water resources management.

Since starting work at the OWMCP in 2010, Dr. Badal has led several initiatives in awareness building on water resources and works to share knowledge on relevant water-related issues with the general public.

He says that his interest in reporting on water is partly related to working in the environment and water sector. However, he explained that his hometown is very dependent on water and this is one of the main reasons he is interested in water conversation and related issues. According to Dr. Badal “Water is life, so it’s not that difficult to find myself supporting proper management of this important commodity.”

Dr. Badal regularly writes articles which he sends to online websites and local newspapers. He was inspired to enter the GWP-C Media Awards on Water due to the fact that local water authorities coming together in Nickerie to solve water-related issues is very unique for Suriname. This is the reason he made a short documentary on the topic which is worthy of Honourable Mention in this year’s Media Awards on Water.

Related Links:

Grenadian Journalist Wins Caribbean Media Awards on Water

About the GWP-C Media Awards on Water