Quarry Stakeholders Discuss Water Resources Management

The Water Resources Agency (WRA) of the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) of Trinidad and Tobago hosted its first meeting of Quarry stakeholders at the Kapok Hotel in Trinidad on July 13th, 2011.

The theme of the meeting was ‘Building Partnerships, Protecting Our Natural Environment’ and sought to identify and discuss actions to mitigate the impacts quarry activities are having on watersheds and water resources in Trinidad and Tobago.

Quarry operations taking place in various parts of the country has resulted in effluent discharge flowing into rivers leading to adverse effects on nearby Water Treatment Plants. For example, sediment discharge due to quarry actions has caused interruptions in the operations of Water Treatment Plants and consequently in some instances reduced the quality of the available water supply to consumers. Another major problem which exists is that many of the Quarry Operators in the country are not equipped with the relevant licenses to engage in quarry activities.

These grave consequences essentially spurred the need for stakeholders’ input and discussions as the meeting aimed to initiate the process of establishing regulatory interventions and legislation of quarrying activities.

A panel of speakers featuring stakeholders from the Environmental Management Authority (EMA); the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs; and the Quarry Association of Trinidad and Tobago all spoke on the issue stressing the damaging impacts of quarry operations on the water resources of the country.

Participants all agreed that the stakeholder meeting and follow-up meetings are crucial in developing partnerships, with relevant organisations working towards the achievement of the desired quarry legislation.