The GWP-C Network Celebrates World Water Day!

Partners are the basis on which the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) operates. This year's World Water Day theme “Water Cooperation” reminds us that working together is essential to achieving a water secure future.

In celebrating World Water Day (WWD), GWP-C has launched its facebook page which it believes will be an effective tool in sharing information and building awareness on better water resources management. It also provides a channel for GWP-C to engage stakeholders at all levels within and outside of the water box.

Additionally, GWP-C joins the Global Water Partnership (GWP) Organisation in launching a publication entitled “Water: Catalyst for Cooperation” which features inputs from all 13 GWP regions. GWP-C’s entry into the publication “Generating Political Will: A Pathway to Cooperation in the Caribbean” highlights the efforts of GWP-C in mobilising political will for greater water cooperation.

GWP-C's partners across the region are also observing World Water Day in various ways. Here are highlights of some their activities:

Trinidad and Tobago

  • GWP-C together with its partner, the National Institute of Higher Education Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST) will visit two schools (a pre-school and primary school) in a rural community in Trinidad to engage students in activities on the benefits of water conservation.
  • GWP-C's partner, the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) together with other stakeholders will host a national exhibition to commemorate World Water Day.


  • The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES) of The University of Guyana have planned two major activities to commemorate World Water Day:
  1. A Debate by SEES students on the moot “A collaborative effort by all water users and agencies, rather than Government control, is needed to effectively manage water resources used for agricultural, domestic and other purposes” - to be aired on the National Communications Network (NCN) on WWD (March 22nd, 2013).
  2. A Panel Discussion on the theme for World Water Day 2013 "Water Cooperation" - which will also be aired on the National Communications Network.

The University's Career Day exhibits also had a 'water' focus and the upcoming newsletter of the EcoTrust Society will also feature articles on water issues.

  • GWP-C's partner, the Guyana Water Incorporated will host a debating competition in observance of WWD 2013 with the students of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences of The University of Guyana. Read press release here.


St. Lucia

  • See details of GWP-C's partner activities planned for WWD in St. Lucia here.


  • GWP-C's partner the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) has planned various activities to commemorate WWD 2013. Read press release here.

St. Kitts

  • GWP-C's partner, the St. Kitts Water Services Department is hosting a week of activities to observe WWD 2013. Read press release here.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Various activities have been planned to commemorate WWD 2013 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Read details here.


  • GWP-C's partner in Dominica, the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO) has put together various activities for WWD 2013. Read full details here. 

Dominican Republic

  • GWP-C's partner in the Dominican Republic, the Asociacion Vigilantes Del Agua Inc. (AVA) produced an updated version of a 2002 publication on Poverty in the Dominican Republic. See publication in Spanish text only.