Coming in March 2021: The Caribbean Science Symposium on Water

The anticipated impacts of climate change have severe implications for the Caribbean’s water security and overall development. The science, research and engineering communities are starting to couple climate predictions with water security and understand the extent and nature of the risks these changes pose to regional economies, societies and environments.

Research initiatives are beginning to contribute to the understanding of, and solutions to, the myriad of water challenges facing the region. However, there is a noticeable gap between research outputs, their transposition into policy and their use and relevance in informing evidence-based decision-making.

The Caribbean Science Symposium on Water will bring science and policy together – to interrogate science outputs from a policy perspective to enhance policy dialogue to inform adaptation pathways in the Caribbean water sector.

The Symposium aligns well and supports several recent and ongoing regional initiatives and programmes. It will be a signature event for the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) and is expected to provide a dynamic platform to actively engage scientists, policy makers, youth and other stakeholder groups on water-related issues.

Look out for more details soon!