Call for Papers: 3rd Caribbean Science Symposium on Water

GWP-Caribbean will be hosting its 3rd Caribbean Science Symposium on Water (CSSW2025) in March 2025.

Call for Papers

Theme: The Climate-Water Nexus

In March 2025 Global Water Partnership Caribbean will be holding virtually its third (3rd) Caribbean Science Symposium on Water. This is an initial notice, and you are invited to express your interest in submitting either a Paper or a Poster.

You can express your interest using this Google Form link: CSSW 2025 Call for Papers.


Focusing on Climate and Water, we are interested in presentations that cover best practices and innovations spanning the public, private, civil society, and NGO sectors. These could include new innovations in nature-based solutions, climate impacts on water resources, water service responses to climate change, financing and financial instruments for mitigation and adaption to climate change, citizen science, and digital transformations and Information and Communication Technologies to improve water management and delivery, water-climate-ecosystem services, foresight scenarios. The event seeks to attract high-quality scientific, research, technical and exploratory papers that can offer useful insights on key challenges impacting the access, management, utilisation, and sustainability of water resources across the region and potential solutions.

Only work that is complete or substantially complete at least a month before the Symposium will be considered.

We do not accept promotional materials or papers that amount to advertising.

CSSW 2025 Contact Us

Visit the Symposium website at for information on the 2023 Symposium.

Additional details will follow in the months leading up to #CSSW2025.