GWP-C Produces New Caribbean Perspectives Papers on Freshwater Storage and the Impact of Land Use Change on Water Resources

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) has released two (2) Perspectives Papers titled:

  • Status, Need and Role of Freshwater Storage in the Caribbean
  • Impact of Land Use Change on Water Resources, Availability and Water Quality in St. Lucia

Both Papers were written by GWP-C Technical Committee (TEC) Members. The Paper “Status, Need and Role of Freshwater Storage in the Caribbeanwas authored by GWP-C TEC Members Anika Cole and Dr. Adrian Cashman. Download here

Freshwater storage is a key, underappreciated, area of interest that is vital for ensuring the provision and continuity of supply to users of water whether they be farmers, industrialists, hoteliers or utilities charged with the provision of water services. The new Perspectives Paper delves into water storage as both a resource and a service, which forms an essential part of a country’s water infrastructure. It looks at the fact that efficient storage and management of water helps every country in achieving their national goals, as well as Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), though it is often taken for granted.

The publication therefore gives a broad overview of the status and need for freshwater storage in the Caribbean, while highlighting current trends and initiatives related to water and regional development.

The Paper on Impact of Land Use Change on Water Resources, Availability and Water Quality in St. Luciawasauthored by GWP-C TEC Members Miguel Montoute and Dr. Arpita Mandal. Download here

This Perspectives Paper explores water resource matters that arise from land use activities and changes within watersheds in Saint Lucia, which have commonalities with other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within and beyond the Caribbean Region. Unregulated land use changes impact water quality and quantity which may not only adversely impact water service provision but ecosystem services.

The Paper covers pertinent issues such as land tenure issues; impact of agriculture and tourism sectors on the water sector; wastewater management and policy gaps, as a means of conducting a country specific situational perspective of land use/cover change impacts on freshwater resources.

Overall, both Perspectives Paper are intended to galvanise discussion within the GWP-C network and the larger water and development community.