The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) will be hosting a Tabletop Exercise (TTX) for persons working in the Caribbean water sector on Thursday 16th November, 2023, from 9:00A.M. to 12:00P.M. (GMT-4)
The draft regional framework and implementation plan developed for improving knowledge sharing and transfer in the water sector in Caribbean SIDS will be tested using this exercise. This TTX is a discussion-based session where participants will meet in an informal, virtual classroom setting to discuss roles during an emergency, or the introduction of new information in the water sector, and the relevant response to a particular emergency or new information received. A facilitator will guide the session by discussing one or more scenarios.
The primary purpose of this tabletop exercise is to test and evaluate organisations' response to a hypothetical scenario or a set of circumstances in a controlled and low-stress environment related to the water sector. It will allow participants to discuss and analyse response strategies, identify and address weaknesses, foster collaboration and develop solutions without the pressure of a real crisis.
Persons can register for this exercise by scanning the QR Code in the image above or via this link: GWP-C Tabletop Exercise 2023
A draft version of the regional framework and action plan will be shared with registered participants prior to the event.
We look forward to having you actively participate in this important activity as we seek to build resilience in the water sector in Caribbean SIDS through improved knowledge sharing and transfer.