Fostering a coordinated approach in the Mediterranean for integrated natural resources management in the source-to-sea continuum

The Regional (Mediterranean) Component has initiated a Regional Nexus Dialogue Process in the Mediterranean. It is part of a multi-stakeholders process that aims to enhance awareness and develop capacities of policy-makers, institutions and practitioners related to the opportunities of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach, and to foster a coordinated approach in the Mediterranean for an integrated natural resources management implemented in the source-to-sea continuum. Capacity development and the provision of digital space for interaction are additional means used. Overall, the multi-stakeholders dialogue process will lead to the development of a community of practice and commitments by the Mediterranean countries aiming to address a number of issues related to the water, food and energy security as well as to the preservation of ecosystems across the basins, coastal areas and the large marine ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea.

Component 1: Strengthening Institutional Capacities accross the Mediterranean for the promotion of the Nexus approach

Under this Component a number of activities are implemented namely: 

  • the organization of a Regional Dialogue (structured around 3 Regional Roundtables)  
  • the preparation of a Mediterranean Nexus Assessment and the Nexus Atlas that provide a baseline for the region and will feed into the Regional Dialogue
  • the preparation and organisation of 3 training activities (webinars) that will contribute to enhance capacities of targeted stakeholders from the Region in addressing policy, managerial and selected technical issues relevant to the Nexus.

Regional Nexus Dialogue Process

Three Nexus Regional Roundtables will be organised that will facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue among Mediterranean countries to advance Nexus understanding, facilitate cross-fertilization among institutions, organizations and practitioners, and lay the path towards coordinated actions to tackle Nexus challenges in the region, that also affect the coastal and marine environment in a Source-to-Sea approach. These Roundtables will take note of the outputs of recent and ongoing Nexus-related initiatives and processes in the Mediterranean region and lay the ground for upscaling applied Nexus policy and technical innovations and solutions in the Mediterranean at the national, transboundary and regional levels.

2 documents will provide conceptual and technical background to feed in the Dialogue:

  • The “Mediterranean Rapid Nexus Assessment” providing a Nexus baseline for the nine beneficiary countries, identifying in each of them the current status and main targets and challenges in the Nexus sectors. The document also outlines the level of integration in the policy and institutional frameworks in the management of natural resources, and provides suggestions on ways forward for tackling Nexus challenges and capturing related opportunities.
  • The “Nexus Atlas in the Mediterranean” prepared by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and UfM with GWP-Med contributions. The Atlas provides a spatial baseline analysis and projection of Nexus requirements in the Mediterranean region, addressing inter-sectorial trade-offs and synergies as promoters of stability and socio-economic development. The Atlas aims at offering a scientific but also cultural perspective regarding the Nexus, and is complemented by a collection of Nexus best practices and success stories.

Capacity Building

Three regional trainings will be implemented targeting related policy-makers and experts from key related institutions from the beneficiary countries, agencies and local government units to have their capacities enhanced in order to be able to better understand Nexus interlinkages and take an active role in promoting joint solutions with cross-sectoral benefits.

This Component is expected to:

  • Identify the level of integration among Nexus sectors’ strategic documents in each country; the information will feed in and benefit the discussions among countries regarding the Nexus approach and will assist in debating the usefulness and the possible development of a Nexus Regional strategic document
  • Initiate discussion and decide on a strategic document e.g. a Roadmap describing orientations, partners, capacities and steps for the introduction of Nexus approach considerations in the natural resources management frameworks.
  • Raise awareness, increase understanding and enhance capacities of institutions and stakeholders, through knowledge exchange and cross-fertilisation regarding the Nexus approach.

Activities under this Component will build on and align with existing Nexus action lines of institutions and organisations in the region such as the UfM Water Agenda and the EU. Several Nexus projects and initiatives have been funded through EU frameworks. Notably and directly relevant to the Mediterranean, the “Towards a Mediterranean WEFE Nexus Community of Practice” project has recently been launched under the PRIMA framework. At the global level, it is noteworthy that the Nexus approach was part of the list of “Water Dialogues” items in the framework of  the High-Level UN Water Conference 2023.

 For related activities see below links: