Experts Discussion on the Role of Regulation for The Right to Water in Indonesia was successfully held by invited 4 experts in various background. Among the expert panel, is GWP SEA Regional Coordinator’s Fany Wedahuditama which argued that “water supply and sanitation as two side of a coin” and both are important as a basic infrastructure. In addition, he added more statement about identified problem through business process analysis for sanitation delivery system and therefore he suggested an integrated management as a necessary approach. Other expert panel, Indonesian Economist and politician Faisal Basri also argued limited infrastructure and rapid development and population growth has triggered water scarcity in all region. In addition, he added only 18% (691 billion m3) of the available fresh water in Indonesia being managed each year from the total 3,9 trillion m3. Gunawan Wibisono researcher and lecturer from University of Merdeka Malang give recommendation about organizing water allocation through technical and management approach. Lastly, Mohamad Mova Al’Afgani the Director of CPRG underlined several importance parameters for water rights: availability, accessibility, quality, affordability, acceptability, participation, equality, sustainability, accountability