Water, Climate and Development Programme for Southeast Asia (Completed in 2019)

Water Security for Development
Water is the key to the world’s ability to cope with climate change. Whether it is food security, poverty  reduction,  economic  growth,  energy  production  or  human  health  –  water  is  the  nexus.  Climate change is the spoiler.  No matter how successful mitigation efforts might be, people will experience the impacts of climate change through water.


GWP  is  responding  to  the  climate  change challenge  through  the  Global  Water,  Climate  and  Development Programme that includes a portfolio  of programs and projects that aim to build climate  resilience through better water management.

Water, Climate and Development Programme for Southeast Asia
Southeast  Asia  is  one  of  the  most  dynamic,  fast  growing  regions  in  the  world today.  But  with  long  coastlines,  population  and  economic  activity  concentrated  in  coastal  areas,  reliance  on  agriculture  in  providing  livelihoods  for  a  large  segment  of  the  population—especially  those  living  in  poverty—and  dependence  on  natural  resources  and  forestry  to  drive  development,  it  is  highly  vulnerable to the harsh impact of climate change.

As  one  of  the  world’s  most  dynamic  regions,  the  study  shows  that  rapid  economic  growth  in  past  decades has raised large numbers of people out of the  extreme  poverty  trap  in  Southeast  Asia.  But  incidence of income and non-income poverty is still  very  high,  and  achieving Millennium  Development  Goals  (MDG)  remains  a  daunting  task.  If  not  addressed adequately, climate change would have  serious  negative  consequences  for  the  region’s  sustainable  development  and  poverty  eradication  policies and agenda.

Climate change is already affecting Southeast Asia  with  rising  temperature,  decreasing  rainfall,  rising  sea  levels,  increasing  frequency  and  intensity  of  extreme  weather  events  leading  to  massive  flooding, landslides and drought causing extensive  damage  to  property,  assets,  and  human  life. Climate change is also exacerbating the problem of  water  stress,  affecting  agriculture  production,  causing  forest  fires,  degrading  forests,  damaging  coastal  marine  resources,  and  increasing  outbreaks of infectious diseases.

By  building  climate  resilience,  the  initiative  will  contribute  to  peace  building  and  conflict  prevention,  support  ASEAN  integration  and  help  safeguard  investments  in  economic  development,  poverty reduction and the Millennium Development  Goals (MDGs).

The initiative intentionally aims to strengthen global-regional-national linkages.  The programme will take the lessons learned at the national level into regional and global discussions on climate change adaptation. Efforts will be made to ensure that planning at the national and regional level is informed by the latest analyses and processes on the global level


Goal and Objectives
The  goal  of  the  programme  is  to  integrate  water security  and  climate  resilience  in  development planning  processes,  build  climate  resilience  and support countries within Southeast Asian Region to adapt  to  a new  climate  regime  through  increased investments  in  water  security.  By  building  climate resilience,  the  initiative  will  contribute  to  peace building  and  conflict  prevention,  support integration  and  help  safeguard  investments  in economic development,  poverty reduction and the Millennium  Development  Goals  (MDGs)  and  post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals.


The objectives of the programme are to support countries in:
• The achievement of the UNFCCC national adaptation plan (NAPs) process .
• The  development  of  adaptive  capacity  and resilience  to  reduce  the  vulnerability  of  the  climate change impacts.
• The integration of climate change adaptation in development planning processes and strategies.


Expected Outcomes
• Regional  Economic  Communities  River  Basin Organisations  (RBOs)  and  governments advance  regional  cooperation  in  climate change  adaptation  in  trans  boundary  waters and shared aquifers for regional and economic development
• Countries integrate water security and climate resilience into national development planning, decision-making processes
• Stakeholders  at  all  levels  develop  gender sensitive  ‘No/low  Regrets’  investments  and financing strategies
• Governments  enhance  efficiency  in  Project preparation  to  leverage  funding  from traditional  sources  of  water  financing and adaptation funds
• Stakeholders  develop  and  implement innovative  pro-poor   and  gender  sensitive ‘green  ‘solutions  for  addressing  critical  water security  challenges  such  as  water,  food,  and energy,  to  enhance  climate  resilience  of countries and communities
• Institutions  and  stakeholders  have  enhanced capacity to develop no/low regrets investment and  integrate  water  security  and  climate resilience in development plans
• Institutions  and  stakeholders  have  access  to and use information and knowledge  on how to enhance  water  security  and  climate  resilient development
• Regional/  country  level  partnerships’  have enhanced  competencies  in  fund  raising, project  coordination,  financial  management, stakeholder  engagement,  monitoring  and evaluation


Goal and Work Package
Goal 1:   Catalyze change in policy and practice
Work Package 1:   Regional and Trans boundary cooperation
Work Package 2:   National development and Sector Plans
Work Package 3:   Investments
Work Package 4:   Project Preparation and Financing
Work Package 5:   Demonstration Projects
Goal 2:   Generate and communicate knowledge
Work Package 6: Capacity Development
Work Package 7:   Knowledge and awareness
Goal 3:   Strengthen Partnership
Work Package 8:   Governance and Fundraising
Country Implementation
• Cambodia
• Indonesia
• Lao PDR
• Malaysia
• Myanmar
• Philippine
• Thailand
• Vietnam