The formed expert team was nominated by the CamboWP member-agencies and organizations include: Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC) , Ministry of Environment (MOE), Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM), National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF); Ministry of Planning (MOP), Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT); and Ministry of Rural Development (MRD). The team was coordinated by the National Coordinator with a technical advice and contribution from a senior advisor.
Key activities have completed in 2014 included: literature review on current Water Resources and climate change, study and analysis of climate change and climate variability through field study, focus group discussion and household-survey on climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment in Cambodia and selected sites, assessment of existing national laws, policies and strategies and plans relating to climate change adaptation and resilience; study on site and context specific vulnerability and adaptation assessment ; and proposed adaptation planning and adaptation practices.
The site visit and provincial workshop took place in Mondulkiri and Kratie in September 2014. The meetings resulted in a decision that the detailed survey at the climate change hot-spots was to be conducted in November 2014. The First Local Consultation in province was conducted on 27 January 2015 with 29 representatives of provincial line agencies and expert Team. The results of the Local Meeting included the draft Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Report that is subject to be finalized during the next National Consultation Meeting.
4Ps Area acknowledged by the policy makers’ level to support water security policy in the Mekong Basin of Cambodia
CamboWP (Cambodia Water Partnership) was executing in 2014 the Project: “4Ps Area acknowledged by the policy makers’ level to support water security policy in the Mekong Basin of Cambodia”, under WACDEP #2: WP 2: National Development and Sector Plans. The project reviewed existing water policies and interventions and supported for an update of them with water security and climate resilience planning and for bringing them into account in the national development planning and decision making processes. The project provided decision makers and policy manager with overview of the basic knowledge and experiences as well as recommendations found by the project that supported them in developing, reviewing and implementing water and related policies, strategies and regulations in the whole country.