To address the issues several Focus Group Discussion (FGD) has been conducted in two groups, i.e., Group I with the BMKG, IPB (Center for Climate risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific (CCROM-SEAP) in Bogor, ITB (Laboratory of Applied Meteorology) in Bandung, and Water Resources Research and Development Centre Ministry of Public Works (Puslitbang Air-PU) in Bandung. And Group II with Provincial Water Resources Service of East Java Province (Surabaya), of Central Java (Semarang), Solo River Basin Water Resources Management Unit (BBWS B. Solo) and Perum Jasa Tirta I- Unit B. Solo in Solo. The minute of these meetings and their attachments have been submitted to the Secretariat of InaWP.
DR. Armi Susandi of ITB has completed his report entitled “Development of Sea Water Rise Framework of Model to Support Climate Change Adaptation”. The Study Team also has finished the Initial Draft Final of the Study. The important feature of this initial report is that it addresses how to lay the foundation for effective adaptation and mitigation efforts in the water sector. The foundation for adaption consists of 5 principles, those are, (i) useable knowledge, (ii) no-regret investment, (iii) resilience, (iv) mitigation and adaptation, and (v) financing. These principles have to be carried in “end to end” partnership among main component of water resources stakeholders, as depicted in this figure.
This study will be continued in this year (2015) to further elaborate the 5 principles of adaptation and mitigation to climate change to be applied to Bengawan Solo river basin context. In addition to that frame work model for hydro-climatological projection related climate change and its supporting climate observation networks will also be continued this year.