Capacity Building for Planners, Water Managers and Water Operators in Addressing Climate Change Impacts In Indonesia


Water resources are sensitive to variation in climatic pattern. Climate change is likely to intensify extreme weather event including droughts, floods and tropical storms. It is a fact in Indonesia that sustainability of freshwater is already threatened by severe watershed degradation, pollution, and over-allocation. Furthermore climate change will aggravate these threats to a point of irreversibility if no counter measures.



The National Policy on Climate Change covers: (i) Mitigation Program and (ii) Adaptation Program. Target for Mitigation in 2020, is to decrease 26 % of greenhouse gases from condition of business as usual, as stated in Presidential Regulation No 61/12 about National Action Plan – Greenhouse Gas (RAN – GRK; NAP – GHG).  From the content of the National strategy for learning on climate change, it can be seen that the target group of capacity building are mostly relate d to measures which tackle the drivers of climate change (mitigation) but very limited related to the impact of rapidly changing climate (adaptation). Because water is the primary medium through which climate change will impact people, ecosystem and economic, then the water resources management should therefore be an early focus for adaptation to climate change. Actions to implement proper water management are adaptation action. Achieving and sustaining water security broadly defined as harnessing water productive potential and limiting its destructive potential, provided a focus for adaptation strategies and a frameworks for action. For Indonesia which has not been achieved water security, climate change will compound the challenge to achieve it. Of course to implement the adaptation strategy for addressing climate change impacts will require capable and competent human resources in the related agencies. 


As in the schedule and framework of approach and methodology for this study preparation (“Guideline in conducting capacity building in addressing climate change impacts”), the above finding has been discussed in a combined focus group discussion (FGD) with related agencies staff in 11 December 2014. Other finding from the previous activity is that Ministry of Public Works through Directorate General of Water Resources almost finished in preparing “Strategy for Capacity Building on Water Resources Management in the form of Ministry of PW Regulation. 


A preliminary and rough idea of the climate change adaptation capacity building guideline content among others are: capacity building will be limited to human resources capacity development for planner, water manager and operator in the government agencies; means to obtain the capacity is by training; pre-requirement for the trainee; who will conduct the training, availability of trainer, training course design.  This study will be continued in 2015 to further drafting the Guideline for conducting Capacity Building, discuss the draft in the workshop with stakeholder and then finalized it.