The aims of development of rice farming by System Rice Intensification (SRI) Method are: 1) Efficiency in water use - by using the SRI method will conserve water; 2) Seed saving - in a single point of planting needed one seed, so that the formation of the plant bioreactor will be completely intact; 3) Save time - the age of the seeds used ranged from 7-10 days are categorized into young seedlings; 4) Can be done by both of organic and inorganic; and 5) Provide added value to the product - by replacing rice plants as usual (white rice) with red-rice varieties.
Paddy field are divided five blocks, block 1 (Situ Burung) about 7000 m2, block 2 (Cikarawang) about 8000 m2, block 3 (Kebun Percobaan IPB) about 2000 m2, block 4 (Leuwi Kopo) about 700 m2, and block 5 (Sukaraja) about 600 m2.
The initiatives to plant the red-rice in SRI programme is expected to farmers who grow rice conventionally would be applied, due to the SRI system takes some of the advantages to be gained. Therefore, by using this system they get a product that has a higher value and will raise revenue. By the end of January 2015, the paddy field block 3 in Kebun Percobaan IPB have been harvesting and some of them were not harvesting yet. This study will be continued in 2015 to further drafting the Guideline for conducting planting with SRI Method, discuss the draft in the workshop with stakeholder and then finalized it.
Progress of the Project in 2016 :
Indonesia Water Partnership introduced their result of project using SRI in Jakarta on 21st December 2016. About more than 30 participants were attending the workshop consist representative of water resources stakeholders such as representative from ministries related to water resources development and management, among others Ministry of Public Works and Housing, ministry of Environment and Forestry , Ministry of Agriculture, related provincial agencies, professional organizations and NGOs.
In this workshop, Dr. Chusnul Arif as a resource person introduced the SRI guideline book (Published by IPB Press and a Video of introduction SRI and its application in the field with the title “SRI: alternative rice cultivation, more rice, less water and low emission”.
Watch the Video here: