Malaysia Water Partnership (3)


The project aims at exploring ways to reduce flood, drought and other climate risks in a community in Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, and also increasing their resilience towards those hazards. 

The following are some of the activities which have been carried out to date: 

  1. Site visit to Masjid Wangsa Melawati (Wangsa Melawati Mosque), Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur

Date: 26/04/2016

 The first on-site information gathering was conducted where a discussion was held with few committee members of the mosque to gain general information about the mosque’ s activities. 

Through the discussion, it was confirmed that the mosque does have its own Green Committee with some activities e.g. recycling funded by the local community members. The next action was to contact Hj. Mokhtar, the vice chairman of the Mosque Committee and also the chairman of the residential Green Committee. 

  1. Site visit to Masjid Wangsa Melawati (Wangsa Melawati Mosque), Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur

Date:  10/05/2016

 A site visit was conducted with Hj. Mokhtar to observe the mosque landscape and infrastructure especially those related to water distribution and supply at the mosque. The mosque has a considerably large roof and and an additional gathering area covered by a big canopy which can be used to collect water. 

There are also signage which encourage the mosque-goers to consume water wisely. The drainage system was also inspected. Hj. Mokhtar will share the layout of the mosque later. 

  1. Discussion with Hj Mokhtar on future activities 

A discussion with Hj. Mokhtar and a site visit were held at the mosque to explore the various opportunities on how MyWP could work with the residents to establish a localized project on water management involving the local residents under the Green Committee. It highlighted the need to inform the entire Green Committee about the project and to come up with practical ideas. 

Some of the initial proposals which can be brought up during the meeting include 

  1. Pre- and post- project awareness surveys;
  2. Individual and community water management briefings; and
  3. Installation of RWH system, water-saving devices etc 

Hj Mokhtar also pinpointed that due to the time constraints faced by many of the active members, the initiative should avoid being too ambitious or costly. 

The following are some of the activities which have been carried out in Q3 2016: 

1. Consultation with the residents 

Some of the community members have voiced their interest in the project, however, the progress has been slightly delayed since many of the active members are also tied up with other commitments. The recommendations on the activities proposed by MyWP have been generally accepted and further discussion will be held to finalize them. 

2. Community survey 

The questionnaire has been drafted. The timeframe for the survey will be discussed with the committee members. The result of the survey will be used to design the educational activities. 

3. RWH and water-saving devices 

At the moment, the mosque where the installation of the system is tentatively to be carried out is to be renovated. The details of the renovation have not been finalized. However, MyWP and the mosque’s committee will explore the possibilities of such installation without waiting for the renovation to complete.