The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1996 to help countries translate into action the principles of sustainable management of water resources generated at the conferences in Dublin (1991) and Rio (1992). Based in Stockholm (Sweden), GWP mobilizes states and civil society in order to keep the issue of management of water resources as the highest possible priority in the international, regional and national agenda. GWP also supports states and transboundary basin organizations for the sustainable management of water resources, promoting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a relevant and comprehensive approach to address problems of water management which should face states and local communities (drinking water supply and sanitation, agriculture, environment, fight against floods ...).

The partners of the water sector in West Africa agreed to establish among themselves, the GlobalWater Partnership of West Africa, in English "GWP / West Africa" and whose official abbreviation is "GWP / WA", and GWP West Africa, "GWP AO" in French. GWP-WA is the regional branch of the Global Water Partnership (GWP)