News & Events

/ West Africa

GWP WA the World Water Forum in Dakar 2022

The 9th World Water Forum held in Dakar from 21 to 26 March 2022 under the theme “Water Security for Peace and Development” focusing four priorities, which are «Water and Sanitation Security», «Water for Rural Development», «Cooperation» and «Tools and Resources».
/ West Africa

Eleven case studies

"Partnership action for water security and climate resilience of populations and ecosystems in West Africa", this is the title of the document capitalizing eleven case studies by GWP West Africa.
/ West Africa

Senegal, the CWP participates in a training activity

From 04 to 07 January 2022, the CWP Senegal (PNES) through its Chair has carried out a mission to Matam in the framework of the implementation of the component : "Hydro-agricultural development and protection of water resources", of the development program of the Dioulol watershed implemented by the National Company for the Development and Exploitation of the lands of the Senegal River Delta (SAED) through activities to fight against the silting up of the Dioulol river, which constitutes the source of water for a large number of perimeters including Hamady Ounaré and Orkadiérè rehabilitated during the first phase of the project.
/ West Africa

The #TFTC project in the three implementing countries

The implementation of the activities of phase 2 of the TonFuturTonClimat project is continuing in Burkina Faso, Benin and Togo with funding from the Government of Quebec, GWP, Swiss Cooperation, Agence de l'Eau Picardie. The implementation is done in the countries through the CWPs in Burkina and Benin as well as the NGO YVE in Togo under the regional coordination of the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) and GWP-WA.
/ West Africa

CSOs’ advocacy leads to the vote of the law on public hygiene in Benin

The Consultation Framework of Non-State Actors in the Water and Sanitation Sector (CANEA) has succeeded in its advocacy, which began in 2013 and was strengthened in 2020 and 2021, thanks to the technical and financial support of NIYEL, with the vote by the National Assembly of Law No. 2022-04, on public hygiene in the Republic of Benin. Voted on Thursday 20 January 2022, this law replaces the old hygiene code dating from 1987.
/ West Africa

Updating water data in Benin's NAP

Benin has developed its multi-sectoral National Adaptation Plan (NAP) which covers the eight most vulnerable development sectors, namely Water resources, Agriculture, Health, Energy, Forest ecosystems, Coastal zone, Infrastructures and urban development and, Tourism. This participatory development work benefited from the technical and financial support of GIZ and UNDP.
/ West Africa

Mono River Basin Authority, 4th ordinary session of ministers

The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Mono Basin Authority (MBA) was held in Lomé on 21 January 2022, under the chairmanship of Mr. Bolidja TIEM, Minister for Water and Village Hydraulics of Togo, Chair of the MBA Council of Ministers, in the presence of his counterpart of Benin, Mr. Samou SEIDOU ADAMBI, Minister for Water and Mines.