News & Events

/ West Africa

VFDM organize national workshops on Gender mainstreaming

The Volta Flood and Doright Management (VFDM) project held two national training workshops on Gender mainstreaming in End-to-End Early Warning System for flood forecasting and integrated flood risk management in the volta basin on 11 to 14 October 2021 in Wa and from 18 to 21 October 2021 in Tamale, Northern Ghana.
/ West Africa

Benin, Youth and new technologies to improve access to drinking water

As part of the implementation of the Governance component of the OmiDelta program (VGO) ANE Fund, CWP-Benin will support young people to help stakeholders (municipalities, civil society, managers, etc.) in the collection of information on the management of the Public Water Service (PWS) that can enable them to improve the service provided to the population.
/ West Africa

Water and environment media competition winners known

In the framework of the 25th anniversary of GWP Network, GWP-WA organized its 6th media awards around the theme “"Water Security and Climate Resilience in West Africa: Acting for the Well-Being of the Populations". The winners were made known in a communiqué released on September 25.
/ West Africa

The new chair takes over immediately

On 30 September 2021, the day following his designation as new chair od GWP-WA, Mr. Abdoulaye SENE officially took up office after hand over ceremony with the outgoing chair, Prof. Amadou Hama MAIGA.
/ West Africa

A new Chair for GWP-WA

The West Africa partners have approved the designation of Mr. Abdoulaye SENE as the new chair of Global water Partnership West Africa. He is replacing Professor Amadou Hama MAIGA whose second mandate ended. This one of the main decisions of the 10th Assembly of Partners of GWP-WA held on 29 September 2021 in Ouagadougou.
/ West Africa

Guinea to develop IWRM action Plan

The Country Water Partnership of Guinea (PNEGUI) took part on September 30, 2021, in the scoping workshop for the development of the national action plan for integrated water resources management (PAGIRE).
/ West Africa

Efforts needed to uplift the status of hygiene and basic sanitation (HBS) in Benin says sub sector assessment report from 2010 to 2020

An assessment report on the status of Hygiene and Basic sanitation (HBS) in Benin from 2010 to 2020 shows that the Government is paying less attention to HBS compared to the water subsector and the ministry of Health is not doing the required actions. This report was validated by the twenty participants, actors of the sector and coming from various horizons to the workshop organized for this purpose, on September 24, 2021.
/ West Africa

VFDM holds gender inclusion trainings in the Volta basin countries

The project « Integrating flood and drought management and early warning for climate change adaptation in the Volta Basin (VFDM) » financed by the Adaptation Fund held the remaining two training sessions in the series of six in the Volta basin countries.