News & Events

/ West Africa

Chair of CWP Senegal, member of the bureau of the OMVS Basin Committee

Dr. Adrien Coly, Chair of the Country Water Partnership of Senegal (PNES), Lecturer at the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis was elected to the bureau of the Basin Committee of the Organization for the development of the Senegal basin (OMVS) as representative of the scientific community college.
/ West Africa

Volta Flood and Drought Management project (VFDM) in the context of COVID 19

Since the end of June 2019, the Global Water Partnership for West Africa is implementing in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Volta Basin Authority (VBA) the project "Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin " (VFDM).
/ West Africa

Implementing the Mekrou Phase 2 Project in Niger

In spite of the health crisis related to the spread of Covid 19, GWP-WA and its partners in Niger have committed themselves to the implementation of the project kick-off activities with the recruitment of the Project Management Unit staff and the setting up of the tools for the operational implementation of the project.