News & Events

/ West Africa

GWP-WA supports national drought plans development in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

The governments of Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger have committed to develop their national drought plans in the framework of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The UNCCD adopted in Paris on 17 June 1994 is one of the three Rio Conventions adopted by 193 countries including Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. Like other countries, the three (3) West African countries have committed to develop a national drought plan as part of the first phase of the UNCCD drought initiative.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin promotes IWRM in the Mekrou and Pendjari sub-basins

The CWP-Benin with the experiences of its network in IWRM promotion and strong involvement in the implementation of the "Water for Growth and Poverty reduction in the Mekrou Transboundary Basin" or Mekrou Project and the achievements made, is supporting GIZ in the Phase 2 of the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programme (ProSEHA) to achieve the results of component B of the programme.
/ West Africa

CWP Guinea prepares a public conference on IWRM

On January 29, 2019 the Country Water Partnership of Guinea had a preparatory meeting on the public debate on the theme "Integrated water resources management, what an innovative approach for quality management?" scheduled for February 02 at Mahatma Gandhi University in Conakry.
/ West Africa

Mali, the CWP is sensitizing to raise awareness and build will on IWRM

During the months of December and January the Country Water Partnership of Mali undertook to closely sensitize main stakeholders to raise the dwindling political will in the country on IWRM. On Thursday, December 27, 2018, a meeting was held with the Malian Association of Municipalities (AMM), to exchange with local authorities on Integrated Water Resources Management.
/ West Africa

Gambia, the CWP discusses with donors

Isabella Pagotto of the Swiss development Cooperation met with a Gambia Country Water Partnership (GCWP) team comprising Mrs. Ndey Sireng Bakurin, chair, Mr. Momodou BE Njie, Executive Secretary, Mr. Yusupha Bojang, National IWRM Focal Point and Mrs. Fatou Sima Steering Committee and GWP-WA Technical Committee member on Tuesday 4th December 2018.