News & Events

/ West Africa

Remobilization visits of CWP Côte d'Ivoire partners

The new chair of CWP Ivory Coast, Dr. KOFFI Ehui Bruno is paying courtesy visits to all CWP partner organizations to introduce the new CWP management team, the new vision assigned to the promotion of IWRM at the national level, the formalization of the membership of certain structures, request for new partnerships.
/ West Africa

Fighting drought, the GWP-WA shares its experience

On Friday, August 31, 2018, GWP-WA hosted the consultant mandated by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification who is conducting a literature review on drought management initiatives in Burkina Faso. Professor Michel SEDOGO, recruited as a consultant, has the mission of helping Burkina Faso to develop a National Drought Management Plan.
/ West Africa

Project launch in Benin, ‘'TonFuturTonClimate'' focuses on the restoration of ecosystems

The Country Water Partnership of Benin (CWP-Benin) organized on August 16 and 17, 2018, the start-up workshop of the country project #TonFuturTonClimat in Natitingou, northern part of the country. This project is an initiative of the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) and GWP West Africa to support the involvement of young people in the implementation of innovative solutions for adapting to the adverse consequences of climate change.
/ West Africa

Focusing youth: diving the Young professionals into GWP WA work

After their recruitment as Technical Assistants, the two Young Professionals started the six-month internship on Monday 16th July 2018. The following day, they had an exchange session with the GWP-WA staff in order to get them to know the GWP network better and be familiar with the ongoing and planned actions and projects at regional and country levels.
/ West Africa

Express Bios of young professionals

Mr. Cheick Aboubacar BAMBARA and Boyla BASSOUROU are both nationals of Burkina Faso who joined GWP WA Secretariat in July 2018. They will support GWP - WA in the development and management of ongoing actions, programmes and projects in West Africa at the regional level and in some countries if relevant.
/ West Africa

Internal planning session of the Secretariat

The GWP-WA Executive Secretariat Team met on 25 and 26 July 2018 at the premises of the Secretariat. The meeting aims were: (i) to make a mid-year assessment of the implementation of the annual work plan 2018 and (ii) to take the necessary steps to facilitate the attainment of the targeted objectives and the expected results by the end of the year for the network.
/ West Africa

TonFuturTonClimat, preparing country launches

After the information meetings with elected representatives and communal actors from the project sites in Benin and Togo as well as with the associations of young farmers eligible for the initiative in Burkina Faso, the project will be launched on the ground at the community level in Benin and Togo in August and in Burkina Faso in September.
/ West Africa

A study on the "Inventory of existing warning systems in Benin and in the sub-region" validated

The Country Water Partnership of Benin (CWP-Benin), the country office of the Pan African Intergovernmental Agency Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA-Benin), the Solutis company and the National Water Utility Company of Benin (Soneb) have jointly organized on Wednesday 18 July 2018 a validation workshop of the study report on the "Inventory of existing warning systems in Benin and the sub-region", in the framework of the implementation of the SAC-TIC project.