News & Events

/ West Africa

Burkina Faso, the IDPM requested to support national drought plan development

On Friday 27 July, the team in charge of developing the national drought plan for Burkina Faso met with the CWP-Burkina Faso Executive Secretariat Team to discuss the participation of the Integrated Drought Management platform set up by the CWP Burkina Faso under IDMP- West Africa in the process.

Côte d’Ivoire, draft Volta Basin Water Charter reviewed

A draft water charter was submitted for review by the Volta Basin Authority during a national workshop held on 05 and 06 July 2018 in Grand Bassam. The official ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Water and Forestry (MINEF), represented by Colonel ME Kouamé Martial, Deputy Director of Cabinet of the MINEF.
/ West Africa

Burkina Faso review the Volta basin water charter

The national workshop to review the draft Water Charter of the Volta Basin was held on 24 and 25 July 2018 in Ziniaré under the chairmanship of Mr. TRAORE Serge, Director General of Water Resources (DGRE) of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso.

A new chair for CWP Côte d’Ivoire

The partners of the Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Côte d’Ivoire held an Assembly on 26 July, which elected Dr. KOFFI Bruno as the new chair person. Dr. KOFFI Bruno is taking over Mr. NDRI Koffi as the chair of the CWP.
/ West Africa

Gambia, the CWP exchanges with Minister

A Gambia CWP team including the Chairperson, the Executive Secretary, the National IWRM Focal point and the GWP-WA Technical Committee member met with the Hon. Minister of Water Resources, James Furmos Peter Gomez and his Permanent Secretary (PS), Dr. Bamba Banja on July 7th in the minister’s office in Banjul.
/ West Africa

CWP Gambia to renew advocacy for UN 97 Water Convention ratification

The Gambia is yet to ratify the UN97 Transboundary Watercourses Convention. The former National Assembly members were sensitized and mobilized on the bill. There is the need to sensitize and mobilise the new Assembly Members on the UN97 Convention, the Gambia Water Bill, the National Water Resources Management Authority Bill and the Gambia Metrological Authority Bills respectively.
/ West Africa

Guinea, the CWP meeting with the Minister of the Environment

The Chair and members of the Steering Committee with the Executive Secretary met the Senior Minister in charge of the Environment, Water and Forestry, Oyé Guilavogui, on 06 July 2018, to discuss the concerns of the partnership.
/ West Africa

ECOWAS to manage the Fouta Djalon Highlands project

From 7 July 2018 the Programme for the Integrated Management of the Fouta Djallon Highlands is considered as transferred from the African Union to the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS).
/ West Africa

West Africa at Botswana NEPAD PIDA meeting

A West Africa region team including participants from Water Resources Coordination Center (WRCC)/ ECOWAS, Volta Basin Authority (VBA) and Global Water Partnership-West Africa (GWP-WA) took part in a Technical Task Team Workshop on the setting up of the NEPAD PIDA Water Project - Support to project Preparation and Financing of PIDA Transboundary Water and Hydropower Projects and Africa Investments Programme 2019 – 2024. The workshop organized by NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), in collaboration with AMCOW, GWP and Partners was held on the 12th 2018 in Botswana, Gaborone.