News & Events

/ West Africa

Water Star competition receives candidates

The Burkina Faso youth group organizing the “Water Star” competition have received many entries in the three categories i.e. poem/slam, drawing and photography.
/ West Africa

SNO meets with partners

GWP Senior Network Officer (SNO) Julienne ROUX took the opportunity of her stay in Ouagadougou to meet and get to know some of GWP/WA's strategic partners. Together with the executive secretary, she met the ECOWAS Water Resources Coordination Centre (WRCC) and the Executive Directorate of the Volta Basin Authority (DE ABV).

SNO visits GWP WA in Burkina Faso

Julienne ROUX, Senior Network Officer (SNO) for GWP-WA, made a week-long immersion visit to the Regional Executive Secretariat in Ouagadougou.
/ West Africa

GWP WA chair discusses with CWP Côte d’Ivoire

Taking advantage of his stay in Abidjan as part of the establishment of the ABCBT, the Chair of GWP-WA had an exchange meeting on Thursday 26 April 2018 with stakeholders of the CWP Côte d'Ivoire (PNECI). The meeting was attended by some members of the Steering Committee and the Scientific and Technical Committee of the CWP. The exchanges focused on the revitalization of the Country Water Partnership of Côte d'Ivoire.
/ West Africa

My School Is Not A Garbage Can, a youth initiative in Benin

On Friday, April 27, 2018, the Benin Youth Parliament for Water (RB/PMJE), launched the project "My School Is Not a Garbage Can" (MENUP) at Godomey College. An initiative supported by CWP Benin as the technical partner and coach of the RB/PMJE.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin supports local IWRM promotion initiatives

To support local authorities in the development of initiatives to promote Integrated Water Resources Management, CWP-Benin in partnership with Protos highlighted 4 initiatives for the economic development and local governance of water from artesian boreholes in the Mono basin.
/ West Africa

Guinea, the CWP in its dynamic to mark the step

The CWP chair, Mamadou Alpha HANN led the Executive Secretariat to meet with the President of Commission No 3 of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), Mr Maurice DOPAVOGUI, accompanied by Mrs Guilao Joséphine LENO, former Minister and member of the ESC, to discuss the possibilities of collaboration with his institution.
/ West Africa

Mali, the PCA-GIRE: For a better water quality in Mali

The Joint Support Programme for Integrated Water Resources Management (PCA-Gire) organized on 12 April 2018, in Bamako, a workshop on surface water quality in Mali. The workshop aimed at reflecting on the problem of river pollution in Mali by identifying the major polluters and innovative solutions to improve surface water quality in the country.
/ West Africa

Niger is preparing its National Water Week

The CWP Niger took part on 4 and 18 April 2018 in the meetings of the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the National Water Week (SNEAU).