News & Events

/ West Africa

My School Is Not A Garbage Can, a youth initiative in Benin

On Friday, April 27, 2018, the Benin Youth Parliament for Water (RB/PMJE), launched the project "My School Is Not a Garbage Can" (MENUP) at Godomey College. An initiative supported by CWP Benin as the technical partner and coach of the RB/PMJE.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin supports local IWRM promotion initiatives

To support local authorities in the development of initiatives to promote Integrated Water Resources Management, CWP-Benin in partnership with Protos highlighted 4 initiatives for the economic development and local governance of water from artesian boreholes in the Mono basin.
/ West Africa

Guinea, the CWP in its dynamic to mark the step

The CWP chair, Mamadou Alpha HANN led the Executive Secretariat to meet with the President of Commission No 3 of the Economic and Social Council (ESC), Mr Maurice DOPAVOGUI, accompanied by Mrs Guilao Joséphine LENO, former Minister and member of the ESC, to discuss the possibilities of collaboration with his institution.
/ West Africa

Mali, the PCA-GIRE: For a better water quality in Mali

The Joint Support Programme for Integrated Water Resources Management (PCA-Gire) organized on 12 April 2018, in Bamako, a workshop on surface water quality in Mali. The workshop aimed at reflecting on the problem of river pollution in Mali by identifying the major polluters and innovative solutions to improve surface water quality in the country.
/ West Africa

Niger is preparing its National Water Week

The CWP Niger took part on 4 and 18 April 2018 in the meetings of the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the National Water Week (SNEAU).
/ West Africa

GWP WA Chair and Executive Secretary meet authorities and partners in Niger

The Chair, Executive Secretary and Communication and Knowledge Management Officer of GWP-WA paid a support visit to the Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Niger from 09 to 14 April 2018. The purpose of the visit was to provide support to the Niger CWP for greater visibility among the authorities and strategic partners in the country in order to accompany it in carrying out its missions. The delegation accompanied by the CWP had meetings with authorities and some strategic partners.
/ West Africa

Mekrou project, computer equipment given to scientific structures

As part of the implementation of the scientific component of the Mekrou project (2014-2017), five computer equipment packages each consisting of a central unit, a screen, an inverter and decision support tools softwares were given to scientific institutions in the three countries of the project: National Water Institue (INE) of Benin, Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) of Burkina Faso and University Abdou Moumini (UAM) of Niger and the two regional institutions, NBA and AGHRYMET.
/ West Africa


The International Union for Conservation of Nature Central Africa and West African Programme (IUCN/ PACO) as part of its program "Partnership for environmental Governancein West Africa - PAGE",Global Water Partnership West Africa(GWP / WA ) and the RegionalPartnership for the Conservation of coastal and marine zone in West Africa(PRCM) as part of their respective work programs are launching the fifth edition of the "Water and Environment" media contest.
/ West Africa

Mali validates a water information system

The Joint Support Programme for Integrated Water Resources Management (PCA-Gire), financed by the Netherlands and Sweden in Mali is supporting the development of a water information system in Mali. The Ministry of Water and Energy, through the National Directorate of Hydraulics (DNH), organized, on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, a validation workshop of the National Water Information System (Sineau). The workshop aims to identify and correct weaknesses and malfunctions affecting the system in order to make it operational and more efficient.