News & Events

/ West Africa

Mali: Climate Change Impact on water resource management

The Ministry of Energy and Water organized, on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, a workshop on the impact of climate change and anthropogenic pressure on the quantity and quality of water resources. The opening ceremony was chaired by Mr. Navon Cissé, representing the Minister of Water and Energy.
/ West Africa

Guinea, CWP negotiating with partners to implement reviewed action plan

After the regional mission in February, the CWP Guinea has reviewed its 2018-2019 action plan to include proposals and activities discussed during the mission with various partners. The reviewed plan focusses on Policy Influence and Visibility of the CWP, Communication and knowledge management; Strengthening partnerships and governance; and Mobilization of financial resources.
/ West Africa

Ivory Coast: National launch of the domestic water treatment campaign

The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene launched in Abidjan the national launch of the domestic water treatment campaign as part of the UNICEF Support Programme to accelerate sustainable access to Water, Hygiene and sanitation (PADEHA), in Côte d'Ivoire.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin and PROTOS welcome experts

In the implementation process of the Multi Year Programme 4 (MYP), the Benin Country Water Partnership (CWP) and its partner, the Belgian NGO PROTOS welcome in Cotonou from 19 to 23 March a team of experts led by Jan Walravens of International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC).
/ West Africa

IDMP Virtual platform

IDMP WA held its first regional meeting for the virtual platform on 28 March in Ouagadougou. Nine (9) participants representing CEDEAO/Water Resources Coordination Center, Volta Basin Authority, CILSS, 2ie, WASCAL and SP/GIRE attended the meeting.
/ West Africa

Activities postponed

In Guinea, some activities were planned by the CWP, but political instability did not allow to carry them out.
/ West Africa

Togo, AJVSME addresses school children

Celebrating of the World Water Day and of the cultural week of schools, the Togolese NGO Association of Young Volunteers in the Service of the Environmental World (AJVSME) gave a communication to the students of the school LES EMERGENTS on the topic: "the students and their environment".
/ West Africa

Mali celebrates in an alarming context

The official ceremony was chaired by Mr. Drissa Samaké, technical advisor to the Ministry of Energy and Water. This year, Mali is celebrating the event in a particularly alarming context. According to the Deputy Director General of Hydraulics, Mr. Djorou Bocoum, water stress has never been so present in Mali since 1984. Rivers usually withdraw in January, but this year, he explains, they began to withdraw in September.