News & Events

/ West Africa

Support CWP Guinea for more visibility and action

A regional GWP delegation led by the chair, Prof. Amadou Hama MAIGA and including the Executive Secretary, Mr Armand HOUANYE and the communication and knowledge manager, Sidi COULIBALY, visited Guinea from 25 February to 1st March 2018.
/ West Africa

Guinea, CWP prepares for regional visit

On 22 February, the CWP leaders met to discuss preparations for the visit of the regional delegation from 25 February to 1 March. This visit is meant to support CWP Guinea in strengthening its visibility and together make efforts to set up initiatives to support the promotion of IWRM.
/ West Africa

Benin, local water committees to boost grassroot action

The Benin Country Water Partnership has started a process to establish local water committees (LWC) in micro basins as part of the Multi Year Programme 4 (MYP4) with the technical and financial support of Protos and the Belgian Development Cooperation.
/ West Africa

Meeting VBA and IUCN to discuss joint actions

The regional secretariat has continued activities to strengthen the collaboration with strategic partners at regional level. After 2017 year ending activities with the Volta Basin Authority, a meeting was held on 31st January 2018 at VBA to exchange on concrete actions to carry out jointly by the two institutions.
/ West Africa

Benin, CWP experiments a new water consumption control project

On Wednesday 31 January 2018, the Via Water project was launched in Cotonou, Benin. The launch ceremony took place under the sponsorship of the Deputy Secretary General of the Minister of Water and Mines, in the presence of the actors of the consortium in charge of the said project, the representatives of public structures of the sub-sector, the Ministry of Health, the young water professionals of the Beninese Network of Youth of the World Water Parliament (RB/PMJE) and the economic operators of the water sector.
/ West Africa

Mali, low level of water in the Sélingué and Markala dams’ reservoirs on the Niger discussed

The Water Management Commission for the Sélingué and Markala reservoirs (CGESM) was in conclave in Sélingué to take stock of the various recommendations of their previous session; namely: the report on the monitoring of the Sélingué hydroelectric dam from 1 to 20 January 2018 and the results of the simulation of storage and filling 2018 of this dam, as well as the monitoring of the management of the Markala dam in response to the water deficit this year.
/ West Africa

Mali: strategic planning for municipalities

On Tuesday 16 January, a national stakeholder information workshop on the development of three Municipal Strategic Plans for public water supply and sanitation services in Mali was organized.
/ West Africa

Mali government mobilizes to save the Niger River in bad state

On 26 December 2017, the Malian Minister of Energy and Water, Malick Alhousseini, opened a three-day workshop to inform and sensitize stakeholders on the state of the Niger River. Organized by the Department of Energy and Water in collaboration with the Department of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development, the workshop aims to inform and sensitize all water stakeholders on the state of the Niger River and the current year's hydrological deficit.