News & Events

/ West Africa

Mono Basin sets up its CSO Platform ( POSC MONO)

The Constitutive General Assembly of the Platform of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of the Mono Basin was held on Friday 8 December 2017 in Lomé, Togo. It brought together CSO delegates from Benin and Togo with the support of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), through the Partnership for Environmental Governance Programme (PAGE).
/ West Africa

Monitoring mission of PAREM in Benin

The pilot action on the head source of the Mekrou basin known as PAREM is coming to an end. A delegation of the Ministry in charge of water and the CWP-Benin carried out a mission on December 22nd, 2017 to monitor the activities carried out by PAREM.
/ West Africa

GWP delegation meets Malian Food Security Commissioner

In the side lines of the kick-off workshop on Food and Nutrition Security in WEFE in West Africa, GWP WA chair, Pr. Amadou Hama MAIGA accompanied by the GWPO knowledge Management Officer James KENGE, VBA Executive Director, Robert DESSOUASSI, the chair of CWP Mali, Mamadou SYLLA and regional communications and knowledge manager, Sidi COULIBALY together with the technical advisor, Mrs. DIALLO Aissata TRAORE paid a courtesy visit to the Malian Commissioner for Food Security, Mr. Oumar Ibrahima TOURE on 13 December 2017.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA TEC members meet to plan action

After a meeting held with the new Technical Committee (TC) chair in November in Ouagadougou, a larger meeting with the Chair, all Technical Committee members and the staff of the Executive Secretariat was organized in Bamako on 13 to 15 December 2017. The meeting served as a platform for GWP-WA TC members to engage with the Chair and Executive Secretariat on how to work together to advance GWP work at the regional level and in countries in West Africa.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project final scientific & PMT meetings held in Niamey

The regional center AGRHYMET together with NBA, JRC and GWP-WA organized the final workshop for the synthesis of scientific activities of the Mekrou Project. The event took place in Niamey, Niger from 7 to 8 December 2017.
/ West Africa

Final meeting of the IDMP first phase

The meeting was held in Léo, Burkina Faso from 19 to 22 December 2017 to draw lessons from the implementation of the first phase (2015-2017) and plan for the second phase focus activities. Main regional partners (VBA, Ministry of Environment of Burkina, ECOWAS/WRCC, CILSS/AGRHYMET, IUCN, WASCAL, SOS Sahel International, WAEMU, 2IE, University of Ouaga 2, CWP Burkina Faso, CWP Mali and CWP Niger) gathered to make a participatory self-assessment of the implementation of the Integrated Drought Management Project in West Africa.
/ West Africa

Guinea, bodies finally renewed - new leadership to boost the CWP hopefully

After many years of hesitation, the Country Water Partnership of Guinea held its third partners’ meeting on December 14 in Conakry. The so awaited meeting gathered about sixty (60) representatives of partner organizations in the country and presided by the technical advisor to the Guinean Minister of Energy and Water, Mr. Ismael DIA.