News & Events

/ West Africa

Executive Secretary meets partners

GWP West Africa new Executive Secretary Armand HOUANYE was officially introduced by the former one Dam MOGBANTE to the Director General of water resources (DGRE) of Burkina Faso, Mr. Serge TRAORE, on 21 November 2017.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin attends workshop in Ghana

From 20-24 November 2017, CWP-Benin represented by Rachel ARAYE took part in the Sharing Skills Seminar organized by the VIA WATER programme in Ghana. This seminar was hosted by the ISGC (International Student Guest Centre) and attended by 26 innovative project leaders on water, sanitation and agriculture issues from seven (7) countries: Benin, Mali, Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya, Mozambique and India.
/ West Africa

New chair and new Executive secretary touched base with the secretariat staff

Prof Amadou Hama Maiga has officially met with the staff of the regional secretariat on October 18 and 19 to exchange on ongoing matters. An opportunity for him to exchange deeply with the outgoing Executive Secretary Mr. Dam Mogbante and the incoming Mr. Armand Houyane who also came to Ouagadougou for that purpose.
/ West Africa

10. GWP-WA and partners gather award winning journalists in Conakry

GWP West Africa together with the West and Central Africa Programme of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN / PACO) and the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine area in West Africa (PRCM) gathered the winners of the water and environment journalism award. The action took place on 25 November 2017 as a side event at the PRCM regional Forum that held from 23 to 27 November in Conakry, Guinea.
/ West Africa

New Executive Secretary meets VBA Executive Director

Armand Houanye, new Executive Secretary of GWP WA with outing Dam MOGBANTE and IDMP project manager Félicité VODOUNHESSI met the Volta Basin Authority Executive Director with some of his staff at the VBA premises on October 18, 2017.
/ West Africa

Senegal Country Water Partnership accredited

Nine Country Water Partnerships (CWP) are now accredited out of the thirteen in West Africa. At the end of September 2017, the Assembly of Partners of GWP West Africa recommended that Senegal and Ivory Coast CWPs make necessary steps to submit needed documents for their accreditation.
/ West Africa

Meeting partners in Mali

Prof. MAIGA has met with Mali Country Water Partnership (CWP) on October 12, 2017 and the discussions were focused on the necessity for CWP Mali to improve their management and comply with GWP partners’ policy.
/ West Africa

Guinea partners to give new dynamism to CWP

Partners of the Guinea Country Water Partnership are actively for ways to reactivate the CWP. Following up on the recommendations of the regional Assembly of Partners of September 2017 inviting the CWP to meet criteria of accreditation and improve the internal governance of the network, the partners have organized two meetings to discuss ways and means to revitalize the CWP.