News & Events

/ West Africa

Mekrou Project in Burkina, reducing conflicts is an important asset for development

Mr. COMBARI Diadonné Amidou, the mayor of Matiacoali is very enthusiastic with the material delimitation of the route for the cattle transiting from Niger to Benin. Every year the transhumance creates lots of conflicts between cattle breeders and farmers leading at time loss of life. The Prefect of Matiacoali is more specific on “the issue of conflicts between these two groups is a crucial reality in this area. The tribunal of the department has registered an average number of 18 conflicts between August 18 when I started service here and December 2016. The delimitation of these corridors for the benefit of the population will contribute to reduce drastically the conflicts”.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project in Niger, a water reservoir in the W Park for wild animals to reduce poverty

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Niger in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, urban sanitation and sustainable development through the directorate of wildlife, hunting and protected areas is building a water reservoir for the wildlife of the W Park. The stock of 200 hundred thousand hectares has 30 water reservoirs of which only four are permanent i.e. they don’t totally dry up during the long dry hot season.
/ West Africa

ANBO assess progress in SITWA in Dakar

A meeting of the Coordination Bureau of the African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO) and the last meeting of the Steering Committee of the project "Strengthening Transboundary Water Management Institutions (SITWA)" have been held in Dakar, Senegal on 28 and 29 November 2016.
/ West Africa

The Gambia CWP, a good example of successful commitment

The Gambia Country Water Partnership is a young partnership established in December 2011 and accredited in 2016. Among other things funding remains a major constraint. Inadequate and slow responses to proposals have delayed the implementation of planned programmes and the establishment of a more formal secretariat. But the Partnership continues to make efforts to mobilize resources to enable it carry out its activities
/ West Africa

IDMP in Burkina Faso, need to advocate for fundraising

The CWP Burkina Faso held the 2nd meeting of the core group of the platform on Friday 18 November. The exchanges focused on the various fundraising activities carried out, on institutional anchoring, on the organization, operation of the platform and the revision of the texts.
/ West Africa

IDMP Mali, field visit rises interest of partners

The CWP Mali made a guided visit to Gouendo on 16 and 17 November. The visit made it possible to interact with the beneficiaries to obtain their feedback on the pilot project, to know the peasants' perception of the project and to suggest areas for improvement.
/ West Africa

Niger, IDMP project allows time gain to very busy women

The IDMP PM made a field visit accompanied by the Permanent Secretary and Communicator of the Niger CWP on November 22 in the rural municipality of Torodi. The project focus the development of the site of irrigated crops for the benefit of the women of the village of Kankantouti.
/ West Africa

Benin CWP staff trained on Procurement

A trained session was organized on 21 and 23 November 2016 by the Country Water Partnership of Benin to strengthen the capacity of its staff and some representatives of the CWP bodies on procurement issues in Benin.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin adopts its Strategic Plan

A mission was set up in September to develop the Strategic Plan to ensure the strategic guidance of Benin CWP activities during the period 2017-2021. The specific objectives relating to this mission are to provide Benin CWP with a Strategic Plan; give the WIN coalition a guidance document for the promotion of integrity in the water sector and sanitation in Benin. On 18 and 19 October 2016, a workshop was held in Ouidah, bringing together the internal and external stakeholders of the CWP Benin for the validation of the strategic priorities, objectives and results, and action planning.