News & Events

GWP booth at AWW5

GWP took part in the fith Africa Water Week held in Dakar from 26 to 31 May 2014. There were four sub themes (1. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene : Partnerships, Innovations, and Investements- Post-2015 ; 2. Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development ; 3 : Waste water Management and Water quality ; 4 : Water and Disaster Risk Management) and GWP was one of the lead conveners in Sub themes 2 and 3 and co-conveners in sub theme 4.

In addition to all presentations made, GWP had an exhibition booth which was well visited by participants for documentation. Many GWP Africa regions brought some documentation to add to Global documentation.

The Strengthening Institutions of Transboudary Water in Africa (SITWA), a GWP/ANBO programme hosted by OMVS also invited its partner RBOs who brought some documentation exhibited at GWP booth.

Senegal PM (purple) visits GWP booth in company of AMCOW interim Chair and ANBO Chair

Participants visit GWP booth for documentation

GWP booth receives visitors

Nigeria holds post 2015 consultations

The one-day national consultation took place at the Reiz Continental Hotel, Central Business District Area in Abuja on 3rd April, 2014. The meeting was organized by the Global Water Partnership-Nigeria (GWP-N). The Consultations captured a broad range of priority issues related to water in the post-2015 development agenda from the Nigerian perspective.

Revamp of the African Water Information System (AWIS)

The African Water Information System (AWIS) is a network of African organizations that aim to establish a platform to share information and knowledge a wide audience . A pilot followed by an expansion phase of this system was carried out from March 2007 to March 2010.

The working visit of the chair on the Mekrou Project

The Chair of GWP- WA, Professor Abel AFOUDA conducted a working visit to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Niamey in Niger from 4 to 8 February 2014 to discuss mainly on the new project ''Water for Growth and poverty Reduction in the Mekrou transboundary River basin”.

CWP meeting in Dakar

The Country Water Partnerships invited to take part in the inaugural session of the Steering Committee meeting of GWP met with the Regional Secretariat and the Network Officers in the afternoon of November 25. This was an opportunity to review the latest version of the GWP 2014-2019 Strategy and GWP West Africa 2014-2016 Work Programme as well as initiatives and opportunities that may be of some interest to CWPs.

Establishing a Local Water manangement Comity for Massili

The Country Water Partnership of Burkina Faso (CWP Burkina) has supported the establishment of the Local Water Committee of the Massili (CLE- Massili ) to help in a shared vision for the management of resource water in this sub basin of the Nakanbé River. This action was made possible as part of the collaboration with the Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN).