News & Events

/ West Africa

Capitalizing the initiative to support the empowerment of women farmers for strengthening the climatic resilience of the local communities of the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in Northern Benin

To ensure ownership of the results of the implementation of the initiative "Support to the empowerment of women farmers for the reinforcement of the climatic resilience of local communities in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in North Benin", the Water, Climate, Development and Gender Equality Programme (WACDEP G) implemented by the Benin Country Water Partnership (CWP Benin) in collaboration with the main implementing stakeholders, held a workshop on 21-23 December 2022 to capitalise on the said initiative at the Tanguiéta town hall.
/ West Africa

Mekrou 2 trains stakeholders on ecosystem management in the context of climate change

The Chamber of Agriculture (RECA) in Niamey, Niger hosted from 26 to 28 December 2022 a training workshop for stakeholders on ecosystem management for climate change adaptation in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger. This training session aims to strengthen the capacities of participants on the management of ecosystems in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger.
/ West Africa

Flood management, Senegal organises Steering Committee meeting of the PGISS project

The government of Senegal is looking to find a more sustainable response to flood governance, with the support of the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has developed the Integrated Flood Management Project in Senegal (PGIIS), which is based on a scientific and institutional approach to urban flood management at the local and national levels, which goes beyond and national scale that goes beyond the construction of infrastructure.
/ West Africa

Groundwater e-learning

In 2022, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), as part of the African Groundwater Program (APAGroP) of the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW), supported the African Groundwater Network (AGW-Net), Ask for Water GmbH, and Cap-Net UNDP, in partnership with the Senegalese Country Water Partnership (PNES), to develop and deliver two online courses on groundwater.
/ West Africa

New board members for the platform of CSOs in Senegal

On Thursday, November 03, 2022, the Platform for the Coordination of Civil Society Organizations on Water and Sanitation in Senegal (POSCEAS) organized a general assembly for the renewal of the Platform's coordination board. It took place at the documentation center of ENDA Tiers Monde located on Cheikh Anta Diop Avenue.