Benin and Mali CWPs hold partners meeting to comply with GWP governance policy

Both the Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) of Benin and Mali have organized their general assembly of partners on 30 March 2022 respectively in Cotonou and Bamako.

The meetings gathered several partners organizations to exchange on current and planned activities and the governance issues.

Both CWPs have given a second mandate of two years to their chairs (Prof. Euloge AGBOSSOU in Benin and Mr. Navon CISSE in Mali) and also reconducted their Steering Committee members.

In Mali, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water, Mr. Soussourou DEMBELE expressed his "hope and satisfaction in noting through the organization of the partners’ meeting, the dynamism of the Country Water Partnership of Mali whose main goal is to promote IWRM on a national scale".