WACDEP-G Benin demonstration project operational planning meeting

CWP-Benin, in collaboration with GWP-WA and WACDEP-G implementing partners in Benin, intends to stimulate innovation for gender equality by supporting the accelerated design and implementation of projects and initiatives that enhance water security and climate resilience through a gender transformative approach. Such an approach would improve access to and control over resources and assets for all within local communities.

WACDEP-G's support focuses on the design and implementation of the TFTC 2 project to promote gender-transformative investments in water security and climate resilience for the benefit of local communities in Benin. The lessons learned from this initiative will contribute to the development of an evidence-based scaling-up strategy to facilitate systemic change.

The initiative to support the TFTC 2 project for the demonstration of gender equality is entitled "Support to the empowerment of women farmers for the reinforcement of the climatic resilience of local communities in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in Northern Benin". It aims to strengthen the climate resilience of local communities through the empowerment of women farmers and the improvement of their access to resources, services and technologies related to water and climate in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in Northern Benin.

To ensure ownership of the initiative by all stakeholders, a workshop to launch the climate resilience investment demonstration project was organized on 27 and 28 April 2022 in Tanguiéta.

The present operational planning workshop was held on 18 and 19 May 2022, following the launch of the project, in order to clarify with the beneficiaries, the methodology for conducting the project, the detailed timeline of activities and to update the specific needs to be addressed by the project.

The general objective of the workshop is to agree with the key local actors on the methodological approach to ensure an effective implementation of the local initiative in Tanguiéta.

The workshops were attended by 20 participants, including 7 women and 13 men, representing the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Water and Mines, the ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance, the Tanguiéta City Hall, the beneficiaries and target groups of the project, the WACDEP-G regional coordination unit, the national coordination unit of TFTC 2, CWP Benin, PLE Atacora-Donga and some local NGOs.