A network of partners ready to support sustainable development in the West African region

The Steering Committee of the Regional Water Partnership for West Africa met virtually on 02 October 2024 to have them examine and validate the implementation of the decisions and resolutions of the Partners' Assembly of 02 December 2023

and to receive their guidance on how to ensure that they are properly implemented; present and assess the conclusions and recommendations of the audit of GWP-WA's 2023 accounts; share with the PC members a brief overview of GWP-WA's 2023 annual report, before putting it online for access by members and partners of the Regional Network; present an update on the technical and financial implementation of GWP-WA's 2024 annual work plan to the end of June 2024 and receive guidance on how to ensure its continued implementation; present to SC members the main conclusions and prospects for the participation of GWP-WA and the region's partners in international water-related events and in the work of the GWP World Network, and receive guidance from them on how to ensure that the region benefits more fully from the related opportunities; provide an update on a number of regional initiatives related to water security and climate resilience that are in the preparation and start-up phases; and propose a date for the organisation of the next physical meeting of the SC.

All these points were presented to the members of the Steering Committee, who discussed the implementation of the decisions taken at the last meeting, examined the financial and activity reports, and discussed future projects. They reviewed progress made in water resource management, discussed the appointment of a regional ambassador for water security, and stressed the importance of local resource mobilisation. The committee also took note of the major programmes for the development of water resources in Africa and set the date for the next meeting in the last week of November 2024.

The members of the Steering Committee recommended that the Chairman and the Executive Secretariat:

  • Prepare a detailed note on the mandate and selection process for a water champion/ambassador for West Africa.
  • Continue to work with ECOWAS, WAEMU, NBA and other partners on the organisation of a regional water forum.
  • Continue to develop bankable projects and concept notes to increase investment in the water sector.
  • Get involved in the preparation of a donors' round table for the water sector in West Africa;
  • Finalise and publish the 2023 annual report after taking account of the Steering Committee's observations.
  • Organise the next Steering Committee meeting on 28 November 2024 online.
  • Finetune the financial table to make a clearer distinction between GWP funds and other sources of funding.
  • Continue efforts to mobilise financial resources for regional initiatives.
  • Implement the recommendations of the audit of the 2023 accounts.
  • Work with the Director of the ECOWAS Water Resources Management Center on the development of the DREVE programme.
  • Advertise the call for applications for project officer posts in the countries targeted by the AIP project.
  • To finalise the manual on IWRM good practice in the WAEMU area.

All the members of the Steering Committee took part in this meeting with the exception of the representative of the State of Côte d'Ivoire.