Organized by IUCN-PACO in collaboration with GWP-WA and the PREE project management team with the financial support of the Swedish international development agency (Sida), this workshop brought together about thirty participants from different countries of the sub-region: Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Sierra Leone; Gambia; Senegal; Burkina Faso; Mali; Cote d'Ivoire; Benin; Togo; Mauritania and the basin organizations: OMVS; OMVG; NBA.
The official opening was made by the Economic Advisor of the Minister of Energy, Hydraulics and Hydrocarbons of Guinea, Mr. Baidy Kaba Bah.
The two-day regional meeting is part of the Regional Partnership on Water and the Environment in Central and West Africa (PREE) project funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and carried out jointly by the Global Water Partnership West Africa and IUCN PACO, in association with ECOWAS through its Water Resources Management Centre.
The PREE Project aims to contribute to the restoration of the degraded Fouta Djallon Highlands, which is of great importance for the survival of the waterways of West Africa, particularly the Niger and Senegal rivers and their tributaries.